Writers and Creators: How ‘Tiny Giving’ Creates Exponential Results

Sometimes we think too big…

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Kevin Borrill on Unsplash

I can’t spend five minutes on any platform without the idea of big picture thinking popping-up. I’m just as guilty of promoting as well. We all need a long-game approach to our creative businesses, because time is on our side if we can extend our goals far enough.


Not enough emphasis is places on doing the work that doesn’t scale. For one person at a time. When most people are wrapped-up in shortcuts and ways to do their work as fast as possible, as automated and Ai-ed-out as much as possible — there’s much to be said about tiny giving.

What’s tiny giving?

Helping one person at a time, because it’s the right thing to do in that moment.

  • Maybe you’re a highly-paid consultant, but you get a well-meaning email from a client and you spend a few hours responding pro-bono.
  • Maybe you gift a product to your highest-paying customers without any intention of…



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

Blue-Collar Marketing Mentor for Writers and Creators | Get a copy of my free email strategy book, the Big 100 here: https://augustbirch.com/big100