Writers: Read This if Asking People for Money Makes You Feel Gross Inside

Marketing for creators who hate marketing

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I get it. Believe me I get it. As an introverted creator, the last thing I’d rather do is call a customer on the phone or meet them in person, trying to sell my work (even though I know it will help).

Maybe you feel the same way.

Maybe you feel marketing is gross, or that there’s something inherently wrong with your business model if you have to ask customers for money.

“The work should speak for itself,” they say…

Thing is, no one’s coming.

No successful business owner survived by only doing the work. We are far too busy fixated on ourselves to give you enough bandwidth to keep tabs on your progress.

There are too many distractions and too many choices for us to remember to return to your business once we’re finally ready to solve the problem your product solves.

If you want to eat you’ve got to bang the drum.

There’s no shame in self-promotion — in marketing your work so you can help more people.

There’s nothing wrong with getting paid well to do the work you love. In fact you do your audience a disservice if you don’t…



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

Blue-Collar Marketing Mentor for Writers and Creators | Get a copy of my free email strategy book, the Big 100 here: https://augustbirch.com/big100