When Synchronicity is too Perfect to be Random

The Book of Karma
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2019

A reader asked me if there had been any other interesting coincidences in connection with this “otherworldly” experience I previously wrote about. The answer is yes! Several, in fact. I will briefly describe the most recent one.

As I noted in the original post, numbers were a big part of our family history. For our family, the year “1967” and in particular the numbers “67” are very significant. 1967 is the year I was born and also the year in which both of my grandfathers died.

My mother told me that the only time she played the numbers was when she dreamed of her father. She said that there were times when she hit the number at a time when she really needed money. So, for my mom, her father appearing in her dreams, and then hitting the number, was like the answer to a prayer.

Hold that thought — the number “67” and the connection to my grandfather. It will become relevant later in the story.

A few weeks back, on Friday, July 5, we were randomly scrolling through the movie guide. The movie “The original Kings of Comedy” caught my eye.

At the beginning of the movie, there is a scene where a man is standing there wearing a jersey on with the numbers “67” on the back. In that same scene, Cedric the Entertainer, one of the comics in the movie, suddenly shouts out “Nathaniel!”

When I heard this, I gasped. “Oh my God,” I said out loud. My grandfather’s name is Nathaniel. I could not believe the coincidence.

In that moment, I knew for sure I was going to play the numbers. The very next day, as soon as I woke up, I went directly to the store to buy a lottery ticket.

Once I made the decision to play the numbers, I knew exactly which numbers I would play: “369.” For a few days leading up to the incident, I had been seeing the numbers “369” everywhere. From grocery store receipts to street signs to license plate numbers, combinations of the numbers “369” were everywhere. So that is the number I decided to play. The following is a picture of the lottery ticket to confirm.

And the following is a screenshot of the winning number for the day.

Yes, the number “369” hit. But no I did not win! This is where my inexperience with “the numbers” shows. It did not occur to me to play the number “369” as a four-digit!

Anyway, in answer to the question, it seems that I am constantly encountering these little synchronicities. In fact, they happen so frequently at this point, they no longer surprise me.

I doubt if most people believe in “signs.” However, I have chosen to interpret these inexplicable alignments, synchronicities, realizations, and epiphanies, as little confirmations that there is an Infinitely Intelligent Creator who is the Head Designer of this whole thing. In fact, in my mind, there is no way that these things could have lined up so perfectly in the absence of intelligent design.

So, there you have it! My little life-affirming synchronicity!



The Book of Karma

I process complex emotions creatively using tools to “prompt” in the moment awareness — which in turn leads to clarity and mental wellness.