Book Review: Exploring Shadeism

By author: Sharon Hurley Hall

Seren Gael
The Book Review


Image courtesy of the author

Sharon Hurley Hall, an anti-racism writer, is the author of Exploring Shadeism. As a white feminist, I’m aware of feminism’s history of excluding black women’s experience from our activism. I want to do my part to rectify this wrong by educating myself as much as possible on women of color’s experience of feminism (or womanism, a term I have learned thanks to Allison Gaines).

My feminist reading list to date has predominantly featured the works of white authors. They made efforts towards inclusion, which is a good thing. However, I want to read the works of non-white writers, too. I source most of my books from my library’s e-book and audiobook app, and there’s not much diversity of authors in its offerings. I learned early on I need to venture outside my local library.

I discovered Exploring Shadeism here and decided on the spot it would be an important read. The topic isn’t about feminism, but I’m attempting to learn more about racism and anti-racism, regardless. Look at the state of the world. Whites need to take responsibility, listen and do better as human beings. White people are the main perpetrators of racism. We should take the lion’s share of responsibility to change things.

I purchased this book via Amazon, in the Kindle edition. Sharon has received…



Seren Gael
The Book Review

I’m an Aussie mother, carer, dog-lover and feminist. I write about feminism, humor, opinion pieces, and whatever else I feel like.