7 killer techniques that hotels can adopt from ecommerce websites

Tikky Dawwalee Davies
The Booking Factory Blog
6 min readApr 5, 2017
ASOS Website

7 killer techniques hotels that can adopt from ecommerce websites

The amount of customers buying online is growing year on year.

According to Retail Research, online sales in the UK brought over £60 billion in 2016, a growth of 12.6% on the previous year.

Ecommerce sales are expected to soar to over £67 billion in 2017, so it’s clear we’re seeing an upward trend of profitably in the online sales realm.

From a customer’s point of view, ecommerce offers the speed and efficiency they need to get the products and services they want.

They don’t have to talk to anyone — they make their own decisions based on the information provided and simply pull out their card to purchase.

But this only happens if the website they’re browsing appears trustworthy, and makes the process easy.

Customers expect to see certain features and functionality when purchasing online, and just like your average ecommerce sites, hotels need to play by these rules.

They’re proven to convert customers and are crucial to the buying journey of your guests. So consider these methods when making your next website update.

Advanced payment options and payment icons


Just like ecommerce sites, your customers may come from all over the world, each with their own preferred payment method.

Limiting your payment options can alienate customers right when they’re about to make a purchase.

You need to understand who your guests are and how they prefer to pay. Then you can introduce the payment options most suited to your audience.

If you’re limiting payment options because it’s not technically viable, be sure to explain why. Being transparent about your choices shows guests you understand them, but also instils brand trust.

The obvious payment methods are debit, credit cards and Paypal. If you have other choices, list all your options in plain sight on your homepage or in your footer. Simply add the logo icons so guests can see them at a glance.

Online chat features


When guests buy online, they can do so at any time of the day. If a problem occurs or they have a quick question, they expect an answer immediately. Customers prefer to have an actual person they can talk to who can support them through their enquiry or purchase.

With traditional ecommerce, online stores have live chat functions with a 24/7 support team. As a small hotel or B&B this may not be realistic, but you can still install a chat function and provide support as enquiries arise.

This means you can start speaking directly to your website visitors in real time.

Some platforms offer a pop up feature so you can invite visitors to chat with you. A simple ‘Is there anything I can help you with?’ can prompt a visitor to approach you, which can increase your conversion rates.

A staff member on your check-in desk will be enough to offer support when website visitors need it.

Showcase your most popular rooms


Ecommerce sites use this technique to show items that may be of interest to visitors, in the hope it’ll entice them to buy. This is usually a section on the homepage displaying a slideshow of new or popular products.

Hoteliers can take note of this method to showcase your most popular rooms. This can work particularly well if you have themed rooms or executive suites compared to standard doubles.

Your visitors will get an instant sense of your standards from the very first page, and get to visualise which rooms your guests like best.

Include high resolution images of your chosen rooms on your homepage which takes them through to a page with further information when clicked.

Special offers

Special offers on ASOS

On most ecommerce sites they take full advantage of the prime header position to promote their offers. They’ll also create a stand-alone offers page to list their new promotions.

People love to see special deals, and when they spot that deal in your header it encourages visitors to look further into your website.

So use your header to promote a prominent offer and create a designated room offers page.

The value of creating an offers page will no doubt drive sales, but it’ll also have a great impact on your SEO. For people searching ‘hotel room offers in your area’ you’ll influence your organic search results and drive more traffic to your website.

Clear Policies


Every quality ecommerce site displays information about exchanges, refunds and product returns clearly on their website. They dedicate a whole page to transparent information a visitor can find easily when they need it.

When a visitor views your website, they’re often taking a chance on you with regards to trusting the quality of service you offer. Stating your refund or cancellation policies shows you’re credible, and the customer will understand what will happen should things go wrong.

A well-illustrated, comprehensive policy document will ensure there are no surprises should your guest need to cancel, or if they’re unsatisfied with their stay. This is crucial for keeping guests happy and avoiding those bad reviews.

Fast load speed

According to a study by Radware, a two second delay in load time during a transaction results in abandonment rates of up to 87%.

That figure is insane!

When we browse the web, we’re no longer prepared to wait. We want everything extraordinarily fast, and if a website fails to load quickly, we’re straight off to another site to get what we want.

You need to satisfy this age of convenience. The most successful ecommerce sites understand how their users browse, and on what devices. They ensure they design and develop their sites with their customers’ needs in mind.

If your website is slow to load, consider switching your hosting provider.

Irresistible room descriptions


Good ecommerce sites understand the value of a good product description — one that communicates the benefits and compels readers to buy.

The same holds true for your room descriptions. A beautiful picture of your room can only do so much. It’s the words you choose that have an impact on the viewer and make them click the book now button.

They want to know your room features, but they also want to know how their stay with you will make them feel, what they’ll get out of it and how it’ll benefit them.

If copywriting is not your forte, consider hiring a professional copywriter. An investment in great copy will pay for itself for years to come.

The Booking Factory




Tikky Dawwalee Davies
The Booking Factory Blog

Co-founder of Channex.io & The Booking Factory, Hotel Tech Entrepreneur. Mum of one, Living life on a startup rollercoaster!