All Hotel Websites Should have SSL/Https Security

Evan Davies
The Booking Factory Blog
2 min readJun 4, 2016


A few months ago Google made SSL security a ranking factory for SEO, this means that you will gain a small SEO boost for having SSL security on your website.

Why does google promote SSL?

SSL means that all website traffic is encrypted from your website to the user, you might think that it is pointless as your hotel website is just some text and pictures right?

The issue is that normal http connections can be susceptible to man in the middle attacks where they intercept or spy on all transmission and can even change the content of your website to the user.

Google is on a mission to promote secure websites just as they are promoting mobile friendly websites. God help you if your website isnt great on mobile and isn’t secure.

Why should the hotel care about SSL and how much is it?

Apart from a small SEO boost and better security for your browsers? it’s not really a big deal at the moment but then again SSL certificates are not expensive either!

Getting SSL on your website will probably cost you around £100 a year, you have to buy the certificate and the engineer needs to install it securely on the hosting server.

P.S. If you are a Booking Factory customer all our websites are already protected with SSL out of the box, so sit back and enjoy the added security and SEO boost.

Further Reading


Evan Davies — Founder and CEO of The Booking Factory

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Evan Davies
The Booking Factory Blog

Tech Entrepreneur. Founder of, the new secure hotel distribution system.