Our Summer updates and more

Evan Davies
The Booking Factory Blog


Sorry we have been so quiet over the summer, such a busy time and we were not on a beach somewhere sipping Pina Coladas!

So what has been happening?

  1. Raising Money: We have been busy raising money, when i read that it’s a full time job in itself I thought they were exaggerating but its so true, we have some good news on this side of things which we will publish soon!
  2. Corporate accounts: For people who were managing more than one property you had to logout and back in for each hotel, now you can add hotels, users and switch between accounts easily
  3. Manual Override: While we automatically manage your inventory based off your available rooms and update all channels automatically, there was some call for some customers to manually change the numbers.
  4. Speed & Security: We updated all websites to work with https & http/2. This is something which is nearly impossible to notice unless we told you about it.
  5. Reports: We have built some essential reports which are very flexible, more reports to come soon and if your require a report we don’t have please ask!

Things that are coming soon:

  1. Website Engine API: We will soon open our website engine to be modified and extended by you or your developer. This leads us to our ultimate destination where other designers and developers can offer website templates for sale.
  2. New Booking Engine: Our design is nearly complete, I will share it in a few days for your thoughts and comments
  3. Booking Engine API: We have built the new engine to be able to be modified and extended. This will allow you to customise it and also for other developers to eventually offer other booking engine designs for sale on the marketplace. I don’t believe anyone else is working on this at the moment so its super exciting!
  4. Payment Gateways: Still on the cards is our plans to connect with Stripe, Worldpay and other major payment providers. Currently we are only connected with Braintree.

We are on our way to be the most flexible and complete solution for hotels and b&b’s across the world. Stay in touch!

Find out more




Evan Davies
The Booking Factory Blog

Tech Entrepreneur. Founder of channex.io, the new secure hotel distribution system.