My reading list — 2022

Rashmi Tambe
The Bookmarks
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2022

It is that glorious time of the year to make a new declaration, a commitment to self about things to achieve in this year. Usual ones are around reducing weight, getting fitter or running a marathon, or reading books. Well, I am thinking of getting on this bandwagon and making a commitment to read these books this year. I know that this is a small list of just 12 books and I may end up reading more than this. In fact, I have ordered more than 25 books in December 2021! Don’t ask me why so many… that is another story! But with those 25+ books, now I have run out of space on the bookshelf and looking for a bigger shelf!

And yes, after trying all formats like audiobooks on Audible, e-books on Kindle, I have again come back to physical copies of books. There is a great joy in holding a book in hand, being able to highlight important points, scribbling your thoughts in the margin and going through those notes and highlights afterwards. For many books, I ended up ordering a physical copy after listening on audible or reading on the kindle. I have finally decided to keep kindle for fictional stuff.

Coming back to the point, out of the 25+ books I have ordered, I definitely want to commit to reading at least 12 and publish summaries for a few of them. And I also plan to publish the summaries of some of the books I read in 2021. As Jhumpa Lahiri says,

That’s the things about books. They let you travel without moving your feet!

There, I said it… that is the resolution for 2022!



Rashmi Tambe
The Bookmarks

A compulsive bookworm. Curious about science, quantum computing, artificial intelligence and space!