Bookselves Integrates Chat in Latest Update

Rawan AbuShaban
The Bookselves Blog
2 min readMar 31, 2016

Bookselves 1.2 also rolls in some standard enhancements, including bug fixes and minor UX edits.

To the delight of many Bookselves fans, the latest release debuts an in-app chat feature, a cool new function that makes it easier than ever for book-lovers to find each other.

Real books, real people, real-time chat.

Before, users had to rely on phone calls to get in touch prior to a book exchange. Now, users can send messages to each other over Wi-Fi once a match has been confirmed. Not only does this streamline the book swap process by making it so much easier to communicate, but it also makes socializing all the more fun and relaxing! (Indeed, we are the texting generation.)

Bookselves has made it even easier to trade books in-person.

The update follows a round of comprehensive surveys in which Bookselves fans pointed out some key areas of improvement. Your voices have certainly been heard, and the response: seamlessly integrated, real-time chat.

There’s more in store for Bookselves fans, with more updates already in the works — so stay tuned!

Find Bookselves on the App Store to stay up-to-date with book exchanges in your community.



Rawan AbuShaban
The Bookselves Blog

Staff conversation designer 💬 humanizing AI @ Samsung's Bixby Lab