Bouncin and Behavin International Poetry | Prose Poetry | Hinduism | Worship

कृष्णा की छाया | In the Shadow of Krishna

Akankssha A Singh
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
2 min readOct 29, 2023


This poem was inspired by my devotion to Lord Krishna. Krishna is seen as the supreme god in Hinduism who spreads the message of love, compassion and devotion.

कृष्णा की छाया | In the Shadow of Krishna

कृष्णा, तुम्हारे चरणों में हम आए, धन्यवाद कहना तुम्हें, हम तब भी चाहें,

तुम्हारी अनुग्रह से हम नया जीवन पाए, जब हमने तुम्हारे प्यार में अपना मन लगाए।

तुम्हारा प्यार हमें अद्वितीय बनाया, हमारे दिल को छूने वाली गाथा सुनाया,

जीवन की दरियों में जब हम खो जाएं, तुम्हारे चरणों में ही हमें आपके पास लौटाया।

तुम्हारी आनंदमय लीला ने हमें आकर्षित किया, तुम्हारी मुरली की मधुर ध्वनि ने हमें मोहित किया,

अपनी विश्वरूप दर्शन में हमें वह दिव्य दृश्य दिखाया, कृपा के सागर में हमारा मन हमें खो जाने दिया।

तुम्हारे प्यार की गहराइयों में हम बस गए, जन्मों-जन्मों तक हम तुम्हारे प्यार में बस जाएं, धन्यवाद कृष्णा,

तुम्हारे अद्वितीय प्रेम के लिए, तुम्हारे बिना हमारा जीवन अधूरा लगे, तुमसे ही हमारा असली प्यार है।

Phonetic Version (Romanised Hindi):

Kriṣhṇā kī chhāyā Kriṣhṇā, tumhāre charaṇoṁ meṁ ham āye, dhanyavād kahna tumheṁ, ham tab bhi chāheṁ, Tumhārī anugrah se ham nayā jīvana pāye, jab hamne tumhāre pyār meṁ apna man lagāye.

Tumhārā pyār hameṁ advitīya banāyā, hamāre dil ko chūne valī gāthā sunāyā,
Jīvana kī dariyōṁ meṁ jab ham kho jāeṁ, tumhāre charaṇoṁ meṁ hī hameṁ āpake pās lautāyā.

Tumhārī ānandmay līlā ne hameṁ ākarṣit kiya, tumhārī muralī kī madhur dhwani ne hameṁ mohit kiya, Apnī viśvarūpa darśana meṁ hameṁ vah divya dṛśya dikhāyā, kṛpā ke sāgar meṁ hamārā man hameṁ kho jāne deyā.

Tumhāre pyār kī gahirāiyoṁ meṁ ham bas gaye, janmoṁ-janmoṁ tak ham tumhāre pyār meṁ bas jāeṁ, dhanyavād Kriṣhṇā, Tumhāre advitīya prema ke liye, tumhāre binā hamārā jīvana adhūrā lage, tumse hī hamārā asalī pyār hai.

English Translation:

In your shadow we came, to thank you, Krishna, even then we wished, Through your grace, we attained a new life when we placed our mind in your love.

Your love made us unique. It told us the tale that touched our hearts. When we got lost in the rivers of life, you brought us back in your refuge.

Your blissful pastimes attracted us, and the sweet sounds of your flute enchanted us. In your universal form vision, you showed us that divine sight. Your mercy made our mind lose itself.

We settled deep in the depths of your love, for births after births may we dwell in your love. Thank you, Krishna, for your incomparable love. Without you, our life seems incomplete. Only from you is our true love.

Concluding line: Your eternal shadow is the only refuge for this soul.

Indian writer. Poetess. Krishna Love



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

Published in Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

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Akankssha A Singh
Akankssha A Singh

Written by Akankssha A Singh

Passionate about writing stories, blogs and poems. Apart from Content writing, I love to interact with the people from different walks of life.