
Behaviour's Grip

Waqas Ahmad
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
2 min readJun 6, 2024


With each reckless thought, a seed is sown,
In the garden of our mental realm, unknown.
Actions cascade, shaping who we are,
For better or worse, they leave a scar.

Compulsions whisper, dragging us along,
Chains that bind, making our steps go wrong.
Obsessions cling, a constant nagging dread,
Driving us to extremes we should have fled.

Unhealthy patterns, etched into our brain,
Distorting reality, causing us pain.
Addiction’s grasp, a siren’s alluring call,
Leading us down a dangerous spiral fall.

Procrastination’s lure, a tempting embrace,
Delaying tasks, wasting precious grace.
Avoidance builds walls, isolating the soul,
Trapping us in shadows, taking its toll.

But hope flickers still, like a distant star,
Guiding us toward a path more empowering by far.
With mindful steps, we can break the cycle’s hold,
Rewire our brains, making ourselves bold.

Healthy habits, like gentle whispers, we embrace,
Nurturing resilience, finding inner grace.
Self-care becomes a sanctuary, a sacred space,
Where we nurture our minds and find solace.

In mindfulness, we anchor ourselves in the present,
Observing thoughts without judgement or resistance.
Gratitude weaves a tapestry of joy and peace,
Shifting our focus to blessings that never cease.

Connection with others, a lifeline so strong,
Sharing experiences, whether right or wrong.
Vulnerability becomes a bridge, connecting hearts,
Breaking the stigma that often keeps us apart.

Empowerment resides within our own being,
Choosing behaviours that lead to greater freeing.
With compassion for ourselves, we can make amends,
Forging a future where mental health transcends.

Let us be mindful of our actions each day,
For the behaviours we sow will shape our mental way.
May we choose wisely, creating a path that’s clear,
Where our minds thrive and our spirits draw near.

This poem is a powerful exploration of the internal struggles we all face. I write this poem because you understand the immense impact our thoughts and actions have on shaping our mental well-being. It’s a call to awareness, a reminder that we have the power to break free from negative patterns and cultivate a more mindful, empowered way of being. By sharing this poem, I offer hope and guidance, illuminating a path towards mental health and a life filled with resilience and grace.

Waqas Ahmad, a pharmacy graduate from Pakistan, isn’t just comfortable with the precise language of prescriptions. He’s also drawn to the evocative power of poetry. His interest in verse stems from a desire to explore the human condition beyond the realm of medications. He seeks to weave together the scientific world he inhabits with the raw sentiment of human experience.

