From the Void

Photo by Tasos Mansour on Unsplash

A time before time
A place before places
Some sent to observe
Some to protect
Others as messengers
and still some banished
for vanity
and others for envy

In his image! some cried
On his behalf, others implied
Undeserved, the Lightbringer’s fate
Titanic beginnings wither over time spent
among lessers
Only to forget themselves
and the love of Creation

-American writer

I was raised in a Christian (Episcopal) household, but I no longer practice any form of religion.

Attending an all-male Jesuit high school and a Jesuit university, however, I was taught to appreciate the mythos of Christianity via stories and nothing, in my humble opinion, is more fascinating than the story of Lucifer’s fall. Such humble and honest beginnings that lead to such a brutally tragic and heartbreaking separation. All he wanted was his father’s love.



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

PE teacher, rowing coach, and fearer of words and their consequences