Prose Poetry

Golden Days of Summer

Brittany Benko
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
2 min readMay 15, 2024


The image and quite was created by the author and edited through Canva.


Summer is approaching, and I feel like the humidity is hitting me in the face when I walk outdoors to my car. I live in South Carolina, and we are already seeing tourists scatter along our beaches. This inspired me to write a prose poem about summer. There is so much to be said during the summer months, and I feel prose poetry can make people feel and imagine they are experiencing the topic being written about. Please enjoy this prose poem about summertime and let your senses guide your imagination as you read.

In the realm of golden days, where time unfolds, summertime emerges, adorned in hues of warmth. A symphony of sunbeams dances upon the earth, awakening whispers of nature’s vibrant rebirth.

The air, in lazy ripples, caresses my skin, as gentle breeze carries scents of blossoms’ hymn. The meadows sway in rhapsody, a verdant sea, where wildflowers bloom, painting dreams for all to see.

Beneath the deep blue canopy, the sun’s embrace, children’s laughter weaves a tapestry of grace. They play in the rivers, like youthful sprites, splashing in cool waters, their purest delights.

The ocean, vast and endless, with waves that roar, invites us to its depths, to venture and explore. Barefooted on the shore, the sand between our toes, as seagulls serenade, their cries a joyful prose.

The lazy afternoons stretch sluggishly, inviting leisure and the balm of tranquility. In hammocks, we sway, suspended from the world, lost in tales untold, as daydreams unfurl.

The sultry nights unveil a stellar display, celestial fireworks, in the vast Milky Way. Beneath the silver moon, secrets whispered low, as crickets’ symphony orchestrates a lullaby’s glow.

Oh, summertime, enchantress of our souls, your touch rekindles flames, makes spirits whole. In your embrace, we find solace, sweet release, a respite from life’s burdens, a moment of peace.

So, let us savor every drop of your sweet nectar, embrace your warmth, your radiance, your specter. For in the tapestry of seasons, you’re a cherished gem, a fleeting dream, a blissful hymn.

Written by Brittany Benko

American writer

