Good night, Sweet Ponce and Flights of Angels Sing Thee to Thy Best


Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven — Fra Angelico — Musician Angels on the Right

Mike Pence is running for President of the United States of America. Anyone surprised?

The rhyme scheme and meter for this Dog were appropriated from I Know an Old Lady as written by Rose Bonne (lyrics) and Canadian/English folk artist Alan Mills, copyrighted in 1952.


I know a guy
Who lives in a shoe.
Every day he has
Nothing to do
But cavil and sigh.

I know a guy
Who swallowed some poo.
No one knows why
He swallowed doo doo.

I know why he did that jig.
He swallowed doo doo
To help a fat Pig.
Let’s make him cry.

I know a guy with a bleeding eye.
I know why he’s covered with fly.
It’s all because he swallowed fat pig doo.
Smells foul now morning poo from the prig do.
Cavil and sigh.

Definition: Doggerel, a standard or trivial form of verse, loosely constructed and often irregular but adequate because of its simple mnemonic rhyme and loping meter. It appears in most literature and societies as a valuable form of comedy and satire. OED.

I write doggerel for good or evil because it is fun to write, a versatile verse form, and persuasive — a “dog” sticks in one’s mind and ear like lint sticks on a sweater.

Plum Street Chili — American Writer and Poet



Mary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry Pie
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

I live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA the Land of a Thousand Dances. I dance in the street. I cook, sleep and I eat. Then I go back and dance in the street.