
Iqra Aslam
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
1 min readJun 21, 2024


Coffee and cake because I crave - Image by © author

In the memory of
the black forest cakes
from the most local
of the Pakistani bakeries —
something I didn’t even
particularly enjoy
but here in a land
so far away from home
I crave...
Oh the things I crave —
mangoes and karailey,
sandals and shalwar suits,
and even those yellowing
Just being able to say
'yes, I am okay'
but in that language
I took for granted for so many years
is a luxury on some days.
But when I’m home
I want to talk about the U-Bahns and umlaute
and how foreign the words from my language sound
from a white man’s mouth.
I must admit I’m obsessed
with languages, cultures, how same
and different are they?!

Pakistani writer

I wrote this because I saw this black forest dessert in a Turkish bakery in Germany. It reminded me of the black forest cake and how it was back in Pakistan. Even when they looked the same, they tasted so different.



Iqra Aslam
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

Reader & Writer, interested in: Writing about writing. Fiction. Poetry. Philosophy. Science. Nature | https://medium.com/@iqra-aslam-icklings/membership