Legacy of the Greatest Love Story

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
1 min readFeb 29, 2024
Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash

There is no light that shines
across the weight of this distance.
Through the cycles of day and night,
on my knees I beg for a fighting chance.

In these bruised arms,
dwells a past romance.
Buried in my shoulders
is the burden of it.

It is her who she loved,
It is her who she longed.
It is I who came next,
It is I who came after the end —
chained and kept secret.

A legacy of a love
born out of friendship,
a dull burn
out of passion.

When it had turned
into restless embers
I am the one
who chose to stay.

I bargain;
patiently wait.
Long for me,
lose for me,
take for me.

There is no light that shines
across the weight of this distance.
Their legacy shines brighter.
Its shadows cast on me.


Insecurity is a common feeling people experience regardless of where an individual’s confidence stands. This piece portrays the insecurities a young, first relationship may have; where often, we tend to overthink and get overwhelmed.

If you’re still reading, check out my other poems here!

2024, Jafiyah
Filipina writer



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

Writer. Poet. I mostly write about the mundane, spontaneous, and poetic experiences of life.