Looking Back

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
1 min readOct 26, 2023
Photo by Andre Mouton on Unsplash

A wedge driven between oneself
and comfortable daily existence
by comfortable daily existence
No boundaries between us
No filters for thoughts driven wild
by a communicative intimacy once thought
to be the advantage of the future

Anchored in our bubble,
staring at the metaphorical billboard
Near-constant availability overwhelms incessantly
No request
No asking permission
No respite from the unrelenting pressure
to share of oneself

A sheaf of paper
A pen
And one’s most precious, most tightly-held thoughts
Time to think
Room for every heart to sing the poetry it has always known
but rarely had time to consider
Correspondence via artistic written expression
from a bygone era

May the wheel eventually stop rolling

How much time do you spend with your device(s) per day? Do you feel a near-constant urge to check and see if someone posted something? If something you posted resonated? Do you feel down, maybe even hurt, when you check and there is no response?

Ease off, write things down for yourself. Share your vision with yourself. Social media and the dopamine response are a perpetual motion machine that grinds us into depression, anxiety, and isolation. Break the cycle.

American writer



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

PE teacher, rowing coach, and fearer of words and their consequences