My Favorite Piece of Jewelry

Photo by Dev Benjamin on Unsplash

A circle of a precious metal,
and a gemstone;
an interplay between
creation and transformation.
A ring.

Witness to love’s enduring promises,
a vessel of memories,
a circle of eternity.
A ring.

A ring.

Time passed,
fainter and monotonous,
boring and mundane,
tight and suffocating.
A ring.

Force to pull,
force to resist,
leaving scars;
decided to break.
A ring.

Years passed,
lies in corners of a box,
and the heart.
Broken ring.

Dull and lusterless.
sparks on some days,
with occasional lights,
and occasional memories.
Yet remains my favorite piece of jewelry,

Nishtha Srivastava
Indian writer



Dr. Nishtha Srivastava
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

Resident Doctor in Anesthesiology | Medicine, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Writing, Fitness interests me.