My True Friend

The sister of my heart


I think of real family as a circle of soulmates. In my mind, a soulmate is someone who is meant to be an integral part of your life. We are drawn to the soulmates of our circle, our real family.

This circle may be actual kin. However, too many of us cannot count on kin as for that soulmate circle of real family. My own kin were not to be counted upon. Suffice it to say, I did not grow up safe.

What do we do when our immediate kin cannot be the family we need? We must create our own families. Those bone-deep loyal, true friends, more sure than breath… they become our created families.

True friends are extremely rare. When we can find even one such friend in a life-time we are truly blessed. There’s a spiritual kinship… a familial bond which goes beyond blood relationships.

The sister of my heart is one such true friend. Her name is Diane and the founder of my created family. Creating my little family began with her. She nurtured a broken soul.

Adobe Photoshop “oil painting” of Diane by the author

It’s amazing how people can shape our lives. Because Diane refused to let me drown in my own tragedy, I found my soulmate — Hamid, my husband and the father of my son. We’ve been together since 1991.



Author, D. Denise Dianaty
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

"Life's joys are found in the small moments. Never let those moments pass uncelebrated. Embrace the joy!"~MomzillaNC