
New Year’s Breath

Breaking the routine

Kulshum Khatoon
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems


Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

In a world of chaos, a call to reflect,
Where norms and follies intersect.
Questions of purpose, where do we stand?
In the grip of systems, crafted by the hand.

Every breath, a chance to break free,
From chains of routine, can’t you see?
Art desecrated, values betrayed,
Modern charades where we’re swayed.

Dreams in debt, for a degree in the crowd,
Lifestyles compared, shouting loud.
Violent cheer, profitable feat,
Change beckons in the New Year’s seat.

Reflect on existence, folly we chase,
Life not led by ads’ embrace.
Evolve beyond the norms we’ve known,
In this New Year, a better way be sown.

Kulshum Khatoon, Indian writer

The poem explores modern life's challenges, questioning our role in societal norms and routines. It highlights the opportunity in each breath to break free from habits, and it touches on the diminishing importance of art and values, emphasizing the profit-driven trends we follows. It addresses societal pressures and comparisons, urging reflection and a departure from norms as the New Year approach, promoting a more authentic and fulfilling lifestyle.

