Peace vs Joy

A poem about family shenanigans

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
2 min readJul 28, 2023


It’s nice living close to your kids,
but not right under their thumb.
You’re free to do your own thing
and don’t have to hold your tongue.

Covid kept us apart from our kin,
until they invited us to move in.
Said we’d all be safe and sound
in a bubble while dangers abound.

It all looked pretty good on paper
and shit didn’t hit the fan right away.
But harmony morphed to resentment
and family bonds began to decay.

Don’t be tempted to speak your piece,
nothing good can come from that.
Emotions run too hot for rationale,
introspection or even a chat.

We meant no ill will nor wanted to feud,
but they choose to assume the worst
and let speculation dictate their mood
instead of seeking clarification first.

Without conceding our discomfort
and without any concessions given,
we were reduced to unwelcome guests
and from the bubble we were driven.

I’m sure there is a cliche buried here
and probably not too deep if I dig.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,
in case your host decides to renege.

Life became a vicious cycle
of war and peace and war again.
And although peacetime was good,
war erased all the good that had been.

It is clear now that living apart,
albeit unwanted, lessens the strain.
Uniform peace with less joy
is better than the ying and the yang.

As I ponder, I wish we all could learn
to let shit go and assume the best.
If more people believed in “You Do You”
life would be easy with less unrest.

For those who only hear critique
perhaps let go your mental block.
Don’t be so quick to take offense,
look inside instead and take stock.

Copyright © 2023, RidgeMagee. All Rights Reserved.

American writer

Ridge's Poetry

106 stories



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

Engage & explore alternative points of view... Form opinions and convictions empirically... Tender perspectives without apology...