Poem: One Magick

Suzy Jacobson Cherry
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
1 min readNov 15, 2022


Thoughts while sitting in the silent night while all the house sleeps

Oil pastel drawing of a person with long red hair in a blue hooded cape, holding a walking stick. The person is facing away from the viewer and toward the moon in the upper left of the drawing.
Witch. Oil pastel on canvas board by the author

One Magick

Sipping Tulsi tea, telling Time
To mind its passing thoughts on
Silent whispers strangers slip
Between sheets of parchment
Rolled upon talented tongues tied
With ribbons made of ancient tales
The gods would have hidden beyond
Bifrost*, trembling to think we might
Find them here, cast among runic
Puzzles precision perfect, riddles
Secretly solved and wisely written
Mysterious missives in words
Unknown to all but present
Company, sung to tunes heard only once
By One alone, who wanderers silent
In the night, recalling Time
That was and Time that is and
Time that is to come

©18 August 2019

  • Bifröst or Bilröst comes from Norse Mythology. It is a burning rainbow bridge that reaches between Midgard and Asgard. The bridge is called Bilröst in the Poetic Edda; which was collected from earlier tradition in the 13th century. It is referred to as Bifröst in the Prose Edda; which was written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.

Suzy Jacobson Cherry — American Writer



Suzy Jacobson Cherry
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

Writer. Educator. Priestess. Not bound by genre. Founder & Editor of Brigid's Arrow and Petits Fours; Editor of Bouncin & Behavin Poems