
The Hollow Echo

Awaiting the echoes of new beginnings

Waqas Ahmad
2 min readJun 12, 2024

In echoes of solitude, rooms stand bare,
Silent whispers linger in the air,
Walls once vibrant, now devoid of sound,
A haunting emptiness that knows no bound.

Windows stare out blindly, veiled in gloom,
No solace found in sunlight’s bloom,
Empty frames hold memories now gone,
A poignant reminder of where joy was born.

The fireplace is cold, its hearth now dark,
Once a beacon of warmth, now a hollow spark,
Ashes linger, remnants of a flame,
A reminder of a love that’s lost its name.

Bookshelves line the walls, their pages turned,
Each dusty volume, a lesson learned,
Yet knowledge cannot fill the void they bear,
In this hollow labyrinth, lost beyond repair.

Furniture stands idle, void of life,
A somber witness to departed strife,
Chairs once filled with laughter, now forlorn,
Echoes of conversations, long since torn.

From dawn to dusk, the silence weighs heavy,
In these hollow rooms, time moves unevenly,
Each passing hour drags by, an endless tide,
As dreams of happiness forever hide.

Yet amidst the emptiness, a flicker gleams,
A longing for something more than empty dreams,
A whisper of hope, a spark that won’t die,
A yearning to rekindle, to heal, to fly.

For hollow rooms can be transformed anew,
With warmth and laughter, with dreams come true,
Filled with memories that will never fade,
A sanctuary of love where hearts are laid.


“The Hollow Echo” explores the haunting emptiness of spaces once filled with life. It delves into the lingering memories and the yearning to rebuild a sense of joy and connection. This poem reflects on the resilience of hope, even in the face of loss, and the potential for transformation that lies within us all.

Author Bio

Waqas Ahmad, a pharmacy graduate from Pakistan, isn’t just comfortable with the precise language of prescriptions. He’s also drawn to the evocative power of poetry. His interest in verse stems from a desire to explore the human condition beyond the realm of medications. He seeks to weave together the scientific world he inhabits with the raw sentiment of human experience.

