Who Am I?

Heather Crismond
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
1 min readFeb 27, 2023


Photo by Jaroslav Devia on Unsplash

Who am I?
I know who the world sees
A bit crazy
Slightly moody
Dare I say funny
At times perceptive

I conceal who I am inside
The twists and turns
Dead ends and phony paths
The parts in total darkness
All provide the perfect place to hide

I’ve been seeking for a while now
Scattered clues are all I’ve found
It’s possible my search is half-hearted
I may hesitate while I’m seeking
There is a healthy fear of the unknown
I lie, there is no healthy
Only fear

Who am I?

I am intelligent
I am also bossy
And a bitch

All these things
Yet none are who I am

Who the fuck am I?

©Heather Crismond 2023 All Rights Reserved

American Writer

Please read all the way to the end of the poem so we can placate the algorithm. Thank you for reading my poem. I hope you enjoyed it.



Heather Crismond
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

It's been a long strange trip. Still trying to stay on my feet, not easy when you have been clumsy all your life. I do have some amazing saves though.