Casual Collisions, Spontaneous Meetings & Serendipity.

“There’s a temptation in our networked age to think that ideas can be developed by email and iChat. That’s crazy. Creativity comes from spontaneous meetings, from random discussions. You run into someone, you ask what they’re doing, you say ‘wow,’ and soon you’re cooking up all sorts of ideas.” Steve Jobs

Our mission at Boundlss is to help people be awesome, particularly in regards to meaningful productive activity. When you dig into some of the latest research into creativity, innovation clusters and gazelles you find that community and social denisty is more influential than the tools, technologies or techniques: it’s the spontaneous conversations, interaction and engagement of people with the many minds and hearts around them.

“Place is supplanting the industrial corporation as the key economic and social organizing unit of capitalism. Density, the clustering of creative people – in cities, regions, and neighborhoods – provides a key spur to innovation and competitiveness.” Richard Florida

Florida calls this place, but it’s really more about how a location can support and encourage social density, a critical mass of interactions and connections between people to create a cocktail of creativity, intelligence and courage. From the studios of Florence, to the coffee houses of Paris and the skunkworks at Google [x], vibrant environments in which people from wide and varied backgrounds have spontaneous meetings and explore interesting problems have been the engines of economic growth, innovative ideas and human wonder from the dawn of humanity.

“friendships are likely to develop on the basis of brief and passive contacts made going to and from home or walking about the neighborhood.”

They found that it wasn’t so much that people with similar attitudes become friends, but rather that people who pass each other each day tended to become friends and later adopt similar attitudes (their findings have since been replicated with fancier tech by more recent MIT dons – see Alex Pentland’s new book Social Physics).

How do you quantify the clustering of people, casual collisions and serendipitous meetings?

At Boundlss we’re really keen on helping people build creative and healthy companies, communities and ecosystems. And have been working on a number of ways to map these aspects of human behaviour, from mining social media feeds to find real world interactions, to passively tracking face to face interactions in real time using sensor and mobile data. I’ll cover the sensors in our next post, and we’ll update you on our latest project to track Brisbane’s tech ecosystem in a short while.



Jonah Cacioppe

co-founder & ceo at Integral, building a platform for leadership coaching ex-founder/ceo Boundlss