Latest Pilots:
Digital Health Insurance +Wearable Corporate Wellness

Jonah Cacioppe
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2015


We thought we’d give you a quick update on our latest progress on developing the Boundlss digital health platform.

We’re just wrapping up our first pilot with one of Australia’s largest health insurance providers, and are in the second month of a digital corporate wellness program with one of Australia’s largest home care providers.

Health Insurance

The health insurer used our API as part of a digital training program for an upcoming marathon. Participants used Boundlss to connect their wearables to the fitness app and received incentives when they hit 10,000 steps each day. The program was popular with roughly 10% of participants on the run using the training app in the months leading up to the run and approximately a third of those regularly synced data each day.

For the insurer it provided a way for them to understand their members and potential members daily activity and health in an unprecedented way, as well as engage and assist in their healthy behaviour in a way thats normally fairly uncommon for a traditional insurer.

Corporate Wellness

Our first corporate wellness program kicked off a month or so ago with 200 test pilots. Participants downloaded one of four recommended mobile health apps, connected them up to boundlss and shared data with their colleagues (if they wanted). The first month of the program is to get a baseline on normal physical activity levels — including walking, running, sleep, weight and nutrition.

After this stage is over we’ll be rolling out three different health & wellness programs designed in partnership with the in-house wellness team. The programs will cover different activity levels and include mobile recommendations and incentives to all the participants.

We’ll keep you updated on the pilots with a more detailed insight into some of the behaviour trends and changes we’re lucky enough to facilitate as these progress.

Daily Health Ideas in Your Inbox

Last but not least, next week we’re launching a daily email — a simple health idea in your inbox each morning to help you improve your health and wellbeing. You can check out the latest ones on our website.

We’d love to know how you find them.

If you’d like to find out more about using digital health apps and wearables in either Corporate Wellness or Insurance shoot me an email:



Jonah Cacioppe

co-founder & ceo at Integral, building a platform for leadership coaching ex-founder/ceo Boundlss