The Bourbon Chronicles 1.3


Meet Cute — Chapter 3

Wait! Have you read the story from the start? You can start with how Jack and Laurel met here.

My weekend was packed with family events which only did a little to keep Laurel off my mind. Between her and work, I was mentally checked out. I snapped out of it when my cousin Emily waved her hand in my face. “Hello?”

“Oh. Hi Emily. Sorry. I was somewhere else,” I apologized.

“You okay?”

“Oh yeah, just a lot on my mind with work… and this girl I met,” I told her. I hadn’t seen Emily in a few years, but we were always fairly close.

“Oooh, let’s hear about this girl,” she pestered me.

“There’s nothing to tell really. I just met her.” Well, I hadn’t even actually met her.

“But you’re thinking about her,” Emily said in a sing-song way.

“Yeah, she seems pretty great,” I told her.

“Well, maybe I’ll get to meet her one day,” Emily said with her usual optimism.



Lucky Lover 🍀
The Bourbon Chronicles — Erotic Series

Erotic Stories, Poetry, and Personal Journals by Lucky. He writes the stories, Miss Lucky edits them. We both love your feedback! 🍀😎😘👠