The Brain Dance. Week 5–7: Jan 30 –Feb 19, 2017

David Navarro
The Brain Dance
Published in
8 min readFeb 20, 2017

This will be a long list of articles I’d like to mention, it’s been three weeks since the last Brain Dance list and it’s time to catch up with some interesting reads.

The Brain Dance: Week 5–7

January 30 — February 19, 2017

Artificial Intelligence

Tech Leaders Are Just Now Getting Serious About the Threats of AI

In the previous Brain Dance list I’ve mentioned the important role of ethics when defining our future with AI. It’s interesting to see these top players taking things seriously.


10 Principles For Design In The Age Of AI

These are 10 design principles for AI that in a way, are trying to cover the same ethic problems. Always interesting to keep this in mind, but not for the AI-ruled future, but in general, as a default value.


Autonomous Vehicles and the End of Privacy

Embracing technology has its advantages but clear downsides. If we think what we need (and will need) to live in harmony with technology that will mean the lack of privacy with everything being uploaded constantly. Something to think about.


The Relentless Pace of Automation

Yeah, we’re all going to lose our jobs. At least it’s what some experts say. I’d like to think we will find balance and we’ll be prepared for that change but technology evolves way faster than humans do, so…


Here’s what’s next for AI assistants

Amazon Alexa & Google Home, these two are the beginning of many popular home assistants and we’ll see their technology everywhere… you know, it’s way easier to interact with voice commands than with a graphic interface.


Branding Once Meant Logos. Today, It Means AI

On the same note, those “invisible” interfaces we’ll change perceptions of brands, no more logos, hello ubiquitous voice entities…


AI For Matching Images With Spoken Word Gets A Boost From MIT

The beginning of this article defines clearly the insight behind… “Children learn to speak, as well as recognize objects, people, and places, long before they learn to read or write. They can learn from hearing, seeing, and interacting without being given any instructions. So why shouldn’t artificial intelligence systems be able to work the same way?”


This Robot-Made Latte Is Better Than Starbucks

And to close the AI section of this week’s Brain Dance something that makes me feel if this is the future we can expect from AI well… please Skynet do your job… soon.

User Experience

Skeuomorphism on Conversational UIs

Very interesting article on what makes conversational UIs work. The concept of skeuomorphism coming from the visual world to the invisible world of audio interfaces. Insightful.


The Rules for Modern Navigation | UX Booth

Classic article with some tips to design modern digital products.


Making Chatbots Talk — Writing Conversational UI Scripts Step by Step

Some good tips to define Conversational UI scripts.


Environmentally Adaptive Devices

Short article about a topic I’ve always interested in, adaptability. How to optimize information based on the context.


Anticipatory Design and how it might shape us rather than we shape it

With the new technology-driven reality we’re heading into an era where things will make decisions for us. That’s what “Anticipatory Design” is, and to understand its impact it’s important to understand the terms.


Designing Anticipated User Experiences

On the same note as the previous article an interesting list of tips when designing for that future.

Virtual Reality

Why I Only Watch Movies in Virtual Reality

Ok, before looking like a hater I want to say I believe in VR and share the excitement, but this… this… I think it’s going too far. One thing is embracing the benefits and awesomeness of VR and other is trying to justify there’s no other thing. But ok, enjoy if you agree…


For Google’s principal filmmaker, good VR movies don’t always need clear storylines

And this is the other side of the spectrum, a qualified voice that shares the excitement but speak with caution.


Hollywood has no idea what to do with VR

And this is exactly my point of view, VR doesn’t come to kill cinema or transform it, it’s a completely different thing that shares some elements, but won’t replace it.


Draw sketches for virtual reality like pro

And if you’re a designer jumping into making these experience, here you have some good tips.


5 questions to ask before every design project

The classic questions you ask (or should) yourself but usually forget to have them set in stone.


The Transformative Power of Motion

One more article on how important motion is for modern design.


Functional Minimalism for Web Design

Some references and tips about minimalism on web design.


Thinking Beyond The Interface

And more tips to design better. Some good ones here.


How to Survive the Biggest Creative Job Decline of All Time

When design is a commodity… What can we do to survive?


The Radical Future Of Branding

Two articles talking about the role of brands in the future.


The agency of the future is not an agency

I’ve been hearing/reading this since a while, and it’s always about having clear the same model imho…. Talent calls talent…


How The New York Times Is Clawing Its Way into the Future

Long article about The New York Times and the way they understand their future and the future of journalism.


The Data That Turned the World Upside Down — Motherboard

Big Data, Big Data… so powerful that even if I resist with my skepticism sometimes, I cannot escape. An article about its power and how some big players use it in their favor.


Pixar Launches Free Online Course About Storytelling Featuring Studio’s Filmmakers

One of the great news of the week, thanks to Khan Academy we can enjoy for free a course about Storytelling from Pixar… oh yeah!


Why You’ll Never Do Your Best Work Alone

To close this edition of The Brain Dance I want to share this article that talks about something I truly believe, the power of creativity as a group. It’s not about creating by committee, but it’s understanding a reality, the best work comes when you can shape it with the power of the team. I don’t believe in solo artists, so protect your teams, nurture a healthy process, don’t let them go alone unprotected, and just be committed with the project or whatever your task is.

The Brain Dance is a weekly compilation of links, thoughts and articles by David Navarro ( Click the ❤️ button and share if you think it’s interesting and also follow The Brain Dance on Medium :)



David Navarro
The Brain Dance

Making cool things at Roblox/ Full Time Supervillain / Previously Executive Creative Director at Ueno & Design Director at Twitter