1 Surprising Way Art Serves as a Means of Expression.

Everything begins with a feeling.

Jacobo the First
The Brain is a Noodle


Photo by Debby Hudson

I hated her.
I loved her.

An alienating feeling of not being understood overcame me. I was so mad at my girlfriend.

My thoughts rambled inside in my head, trying to make sense of it all, as questions piled in my mind like grains in a cellar.

How’s it possible to love and hate someone at the same time?

She’s supposed to be the person who understands me the most, so why doesn’t she?

Am I destined to be alone?

It became unbearable for me. I had to do something. I had to pour those feeling into something. Anything!

My eyes went wide with shock as I used art to express my inner turmoils. My feelings. The realization hit me like a cold bucket of water. This is how it happened:

A Way Out

I escaped.

Photo by Filip Kominik on Unsplash

I needed to get out.

