A Day in My Dream

Sometimes you need to find the extraordinary in the ordinary

Writer's Dream
The Brain is a Noodle
1 min readJun 30, 2024


A single rose
Photo by Tirza van Dijk on Unsplash

A pigeon is peeping in my room
The green trees are waving their heads
The wind is blowing
There is a clear blue sky and white clouds floating
A flock of birds flying
A baby is crying
There are red, yellow, and white flowers adorning the trees
The bees are humming
And I am writing poetry on my window side wooden desk.
Can there be a better dream?

As I tilt my head sideways to stretch
I see through the window cattle grazing the green grass
The bells around their necks break the afternoon silence
Suddenly, the sky becomes heavy with dark clouds
And the nature showers rain.
I step outside the room and stretch my hands to feel the downpour
Can there be a better dream?

I enjoy the dream till the morning sun wakes me.

