Twittle-to-Mars Campaign

A Million Voices Sing, ‘Let’s Get Twittle to Mars!’

Elon, can you hear us?

Carolyn Hastings
The Brain is a Noodle
3 min readJan 20, 2022


An astronaut walking across barren red ground with a satellite dish, large dome structures, and a dark star-studded sky in the background. A speech bubble has the astronaut saying to himself, ‘Now where was I with that twittle?’
Image by simisi1 from Pixabay — modified by writer in PowerPoint

I wish for one million voices
come sing with me into the abyss
a message to SpaceX-Elon Musk
“Please, let’s get twittle to Mars.”

© Carolyn Hastings 2022

‘If your voice could be heard
by one million people,
what would you say?’

It’s a question Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) posed in a recent prompt post. In answering her own question, she wrote

I would ask
each and everyone
to tell their story

Soon after, Mark Tulin responded to the prompt, sharing his worldview from the perspective of compassion and inclusivity —

If I were behind the mic,
talking to a million attentive ears,
I would champion the weak,
awaken the strong, show solidarity,
and overcome.

A Call for Compassion, Mark Tulin, Jan. 10 2022

Mark tagged me into the prompt, so here I am being everything he’s not, and promoting my own agenda!




Carolyn Hastings
The Brain is a Noodle

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.