A Poem Remembering Gossip

Your secrets are safe with me but I won’t entrust you with mine

Caroline de Braganza
The Brain is a Noodle


Image by mohamed hassan from Pixabay

Do tell, I say
Knowing without showing
That I know what she said about her
And what her said about she

How great it is to hold this power
In office hours
Of others’ opinions
These minions
Share with me in confidence

Such odd behavior
That we savor
Without fear or favor
Unsavory flavors of
Negative views
Behind a person’s back
And not to their face

I watch the time and say
Deadlines to meet
Can’t talk now
Yet somehow they feel better
As I continue typing
That urgent letter
On my IBM golf ball
Not at all fazed they
Couldn’t finish their sordid story

Power and glory
Rendered to me
As if I’m a priest
Hearing confession
Or a therapist by profession



Caroline de Braganza
The Brain is a Noodle

Wise Older Woman (WOW). Poetry, essays, humor. Passion for mental health, social justice, politics, diverse cultures, the world and environment.