Answer your Questions, you Say?

Don’t mind if I do.

Jessie Waddell
The Brain is a Noodle


Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

This is my kind of interview.

Prepared questions, written out, zero face to face interaction with another human, authentic answers free from quizzical looks (at least ones I will see).

Here goes nothing!

June Interview Questions for The Brain is a Noodle

[1] As a writer, how do you come up with new ideas? How do you capture them so that they are ready when you sit down to write?

In my opinion, the best stuff comes when I manage to catch an idea at the exact moment that I have time to sit down and write. If that’s not the reality, I make a note of it on my phone. A lot of these end up never eventuating to anything though, because I can never muster the same creativity or enthusiasm that I have when the lightbulb initially clicks on. In terms of the ‘how’ I mostly just write about personal experiences or if I come across an interesting writing prompt, I like to challenge myself with those. I don’t have a niche or favourite style. I love experimenting with poetry and short fiction but I also like writing non-fiction articles and listicles. Depends on the day and my mood!

[2] On the spectrum…



Jessie Waddell
The Brain is a Noodle

Keeping it weird. I have too many thoughts so I write to clear some headspace. I rant, rave, ramble and occasionally make things up.