#WritingPrompt: take one word from EACH of these piece’s titles and create your own poem or story!

Ant, Embracing Play, Paths and Rough Edges

R. Rangan PhD
The Brain is a Noodle
2 min readMay 5, 2024


Photo by Martin Vysoudil on Unsplash

In early spring
an ant emerges
embracing play
on a soft spring morning
it wanders with delight
thankful for each moment
pure and bright

Some summer warmth
it treads with care
with mindful steps
breathing in air
with tiny feet
into the green
finding daily bread
grateful and serene

With autumn hues
the ant must choose
navigating varied paths
with tender care
through leaves of gold
it finds its way
mindful of beauty
one day at a time

As winter nears
the ant takes heed
mindful of moments
as paths recede
amidst the snow
and fading light
grateful for peace
in quiet strength

Through changing seasons
the ant persists
mindful and grateful
in every twist
with every step
gratitude grows
cherishing all life
and simple shows

What’s poetry
to this small friend
in its world
so plain so thin?

Does it find beauty
in the small?
in the plain?
in it all?

So, a gentle lesson
from our friend
little mighty ant
to every now and then
embracing play
to accept rough edges
to even force a smile
on a chosen path
on solid ground
or on shifting sands
in simple ways
joy continues to expand

Thank you to Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) for the prompt #WritingPrompt: take one word from EACH of these piece’s titles and create your poem or story! ( chosen words — Ant, Embracing Play, Paths, and Rough Edges). As always, Lucy’s brilliant prompt was a fun creative exercise, and I am unsure if I attempted it as intended. Nonetheless, through this poem, a theme emerges — one of resilience and curiosity of the ant as symbolizing our own journey through life’s twists and turns, almost a celebration of embracing challenges, finding joy in the journey, and navigating the rough edges with grace. So — dear reader — let us continue to embrace each twist and turn, finding beauty and strength in every step of our own unique paths.

Thank you for reading!



R. Rangan PhD
The Brain is a Noodle

Mindfulness enthusiast; Collector of stories; Storyteller in training and Observer of life’s small details.