Cookies and Spreads

Poetry prompt: taste the joy, spread the cheer

Baye Amina
The Brain is a Noodle
Dec 27, 2020


Everything, big and small
Feels different at times like this.
The air feels different,
As it caresses your face gently.
The heat warms your skin
As cool air finds its way
To your lungs.
The fragrance of food
Fills the air.
Although no new recipe,
It all feels different.
The cookies taste better,
Not sweeter, better.
Meals sampled in past months,
Hit different, sending
Your taste buds into a frenzy.

The air is still the same
Combination of gases.
The cookies are still
Made of the same ingredients.
The meals are probably
Made a different way.
But, just one thing changed,
The presence of warmth
The light and joy
The season and its reason bring.



Baye Amina
The Brain is a Noodle

Book dragon | Food lover| Creative juice drinker. I ask questions.