Coping While Cracking Up and …

A TBiaN prompt response to ‘How do you cope with stress and anxiety?’


Most days, and with many events, I’m a devotee of ‘tragedy + time = comedy’.

If professional Jewish comedians can make Hitler jokes and sane ones can make Trump funnies, the least I can do in response to my life’s little — and not so little — aches and pains, is laugh.

That irregular, black, rapidly-enlarging, lumpy patch on my shin? When family and friends call me on it and say — while sporting a horrified expression — “have you seen a doctor about that?” I reply, “daily, when I look in the mirror.” I figure it this way, either it’ll go away or I will. In the grand scheme of things … same level of importance, almost.

Besides — again, in the grand scheme of things — life’s been a great run and continues to be. Almost all out of my control if I really think about it. And, as famous lay-down comedian, Jean Racine, said “Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel.” I’m a big thinker (LMAO) and a littler feeler, mostly (that sounds vaguely creepy I know, but I’m sure you understand).

Also, the whole “just laugh” philosophy of life I sport, works well with my other fave coping strategy, stuffing.



Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬
The Brain is a Noodle

The “MD” & “um” in Medium, and the “er” in wisenheimer | Doctor Funny editor/czar | Sultan of satire | disgraced former parking lot attendant