Crema Catalana

poetry prompt | tarts and pies

Laurie Perez — Novelist
The Brain is a Noodle
2 min readMay 23, 2021


Collage by the author | Butterfly by Laurie Perez + Crema Catalana via Creative Commons Photo

Catalan crema
Crème Brûlée’s much sexier
Rich older brother

Once upon a time, late in a year reeling from multilateral disasters, losses and intimately scaled personal nightmares, I traveled and restored my soul in Southern France and, most deliciously, Spain.

This haiku is a souvenir — one of many word spells broadcast, affirming my heart was ready and willing to be seduced by every flirtation life could deliver.

So far, soooo good.

Author’s Journal Entry | Travels in France and Spain

Gateway to Lucy’s prompt: This treat by Rachel Ramkaran (she/her)

Thanks to Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) for the enticement!
What will you discover when you poeticize tarts and pies? Start here:



Laurie Perez — Novelist
The Brain is a Noodle

I write because I must. I publish because I love. Let's be stars to each other.