Dino Limericks

A limerick response to Dr. R, from Dr. Burg, from Lucy…

The Brain is a Noodle


(Wikimedia Commons)

A Theory of Dinosaur Extinction

There once was a randy dinosaur
Who visited a cold-blooded whore
They didn’t do much,
And she was quite butch,
And so now his species is no more.

Another Theory of Dinosaur Extinction

There once was a dinosaur named Sam
Who really liked green eggs and ham.
But he got diarrhea,
Because of the bacteria,
A Great Flood of Shit filled the land.

The Real Reason Dinosaurs Died

There once was a species with smart phones
Who were addicted to pings and fun tones.
But they failed to leave heirs,
From DinoBook’s social errors,
Now we only have dinosaur bones.

School House Rock

There once was a mile-wide asteroid
Who gave the Earth a huge hemorrhoid.
A rain of hot ashes,
Baked their dino asses,
Now we only have us humanoids.



The Brain is a Noodle

Husband, dad, scientist, loves to share sciency stuff and goofiness. Please follow me: https://twitter.com/DuuudeScience