For the Love of Kottu Roti

An ode to one of my favourite foods

Rochelle Silva
The Brain is a Noodle


A yummy kottu dish (Photo by author)

A street food,
A commoner’s food,
A mix of veggies, bits of chicken,
Pieces of flatbread,
Egg, and whatnot,
Sprinkled with cheese,
Or a spicy curry,
Maybe a little bone thrown in by mistake,
Even if it makes you gulp asamodagam,
Oh kottu — I miss you so!

So if you’ve got a bit of veggie,
About to go bad,
Make a kottu roti- I promise it will be rad!

Kottu roti (basically meaning stir-fried chopped flatbread) is a famous dish in my home country and other Asian countries. Though this dish is available in Singapore, it’s not quite the same as what I had in Sri Lanka. Therefore, I miss it so much — particularly the “cheese kottu”. Once I was so desperate that I bought a normal chicken kottu and sprinkled cheese on it 😂. The reference to asamodagam (gripe water) is mentioned because the dish can be a bit unsettling to the stomach depending on the quality of the ingredients, food hygiene practices etc 😜.



Rochelle Silva
The Brain is a Noodle

PhD grad from NTU 🇸🇬| Logophile | Artist | Coffee Lover | Sri Lankan | | Buy me a ☕