I Don’t Know Where My Life Is Heading

Enjoy the moment whenever you can

Writer's Dream
The Brain is a Noodle
Aug 12, 2023


Life is a long journey
Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

A year ago.
I wanted a separate living area where I could live the way I wanted.
I got that.

Fast forward one year.
I can do whatever I want, but the emptiness inside the house irritates me.
It baffles me to see how my wish is troubling me now.

A puzzling question that is going on in mind is:
What do I want?
Where is my life leading?

Even though the universe granted my wish, there is no peace inside.

Then what is the definition of a successful life?

  1. Material wish fulfillment
  2. Mental peace, even with less money

I don’t know the answer.
Life is a strange ride. It is a long journey with no visible end.

Maybe we can enjoy the moment whenever we can.
You never know what awaits tomorrow.

