I Fell In Love

It happened effortlessly

The Brain is a Noodle


Painting by author

It’s the way my heart leaps whenever I take a seat
Sometimes I hold my breath
watching layers of color spread from left to right
anticipating what direction my mind will go this time

Painting began as a hobby
Lately it’s become an art that I love
Our relationship blossomed over the past few years
I’ve clung to it when I had nothing else

Falling in love was easy
once I found something that soothes me
It allows me to work without any limits
Each second we spend together only strengthens our relationship

Some days I venture off on other adventures
like writing and living life
But the one thing I know for certain
is that I’ll always come back to painting
It waits around patiently
for it knows I will never leave

Thank for for reading. After reading the article by Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) about something you’ve fallen in love with, I was inspired to write this piece. Read her article below.

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The Brain is a Noodle

Enjoys writing poetry but also creative fiction and nonfictional pieces! Creativity bleeds through me and that includes art!