I Finally Faced My Fear and Did Yoga on The Beach

Not me living my best wellness baddie life!!!

Nia Simone McLeod
The Brain is a Noodle


A Black woman with a blonde, short cut does yoga on the beach.
Photo by Nicolett Electra

I crossed an item off my bucket list: doing yoga on the beach.

During a beach vacation, I took my yoga mat to the sand on a beautifully dreary morning: cold enough to push the average beachgoer away, grey and cloudy.

A grey, cloudy beach.
Photo by author

I had those almost-never-true anxious thoughts that everyone would be staring at me. I took a second, focusing on my breathing and staring out into the ocean, to see if those feelings would just float away. When they didn’t, I just did it scared.

Some poses made me feel extra uncomfortable, like happy baby pose.

In happy baby, you’re lying on your back, holding your feet, and rolling from side to side. I just stared into the sky and tried not to think about how I looked, focusing on how I felt.



Nia Simone McLeod
The Brain is a Noodle

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