I’m Truly Sorry for This Incredibly Boring Story

Never before have I so enjoyed modifying verbs

Caroline de Braganza
The Brain is a Noodle


Adverbs deserve more visibility (Image by Alison from Pixabay)

Before I bash your heads in with adverbs, I want you to know I’m only doing it because Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) asked what the purpose of adverbs was.

Should I rephrase — Lucy asked what was the purpose of adverbs?

Yikes! That sounds clunky and unnatural, although it’s grammatically correct.

We’re only supposed to resort to adverbs if we can’t find a strong adjective or verb to convey meaning. I misplaced them accidentally on purpose to enable me to …

Excuse me.


You’re intentionally promoting the use of adverbs?

Actually, yes.

But aren’t they bad for you?

Well, I’ve never fallen ill from an overdose of these much-maligned parts of speech. If you find them hard to digest, just skip over them and read on.

I’m hopelessly in love with writing, food and my husband. Not necessarily in that order.

Today I’m feeling abnormally exhausted, what with all this load-shedding, when the internet signal goes down and I diligently apply myself to writing without actually researching anything online.



Caroline de Braganza
The Brain is a Noodle

Wise Older Woman (WOW). Poetry, essays, humor. Passion for mental health, social justice, politics, diverse cultures, the world and environment.