In A Different Time

For my son


Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

In a different time

I would have
answered your call
and heard your voice
and felt your need
and packed a bag
and traveled to hell and back
just to hold you tight
and weep

In a different time

© Dr. Jackie Greenwood 2021

Admittedly feeling a little sorry for myself on the one-year anniversary of the global mess. Children and grandchildren so far away!

This too shall pass. Thanks for reading :)

Thanks to Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)for a tag to get me to come out from under the covers.

And a beautiful poem by my friend David Rudder:



Dr. Jackie Greenwood
The Brain is a Noodle

Veterinarian, wife, mother, grandmother, swimmer. My writing muse has tracked me down.