love, as action

💞 poetry prompt: love language — acts of service


Photo by Michael Dam on Unsplash

acts of services
meant to relieve your stress
by taking off one gentle piece
off your overflowing plate

just like gifts, but the gift is action
communicates love like words,
but the words are actions.

Tagging: Fathiyah Zb | Krupesh Raikar | Natasha Kurien | Veronica Georgieva | Em Hoccane if you’re up to it and anyone else interested in today’s prompt: love language — acts of services.

How to join: include the original post of the person who tagged you for reference and tag 5–10 other people (or simply “tag all”) who might be interested in this prompt! (ps, there’s no deadline on this so if inspiration strikes in 5 months and you want to submit something then, feel free to do so!)



Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)
The Brain is a Noodle

Filling in the cracks on conflicting self improvement advice and translating how these can work for a more diverse audience ✨ Icon by: @jkbarts #WEOC writer.