May Interview Questions with The Brain is a Noodle!

Interview replies from Punch Drunk Cola

Punch Drunk Cola
The Brain is a Noodle
4 min readApr 28, 2021


Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

[1] What did you like to do most when you were 10? They say that this hobby is likely what brings you the most joy in life — is this something you still do?

I was a very active child. I engaged in a lot of physical activities. My parents encouraged me to join sports competitions, even if sometimes I would be the only girl. At 10, I won medals for a 5km long-distance run, played in youth basketball leagues, started training for track and field in school, and biked around our village on weekends until sundown. I lost interest in sports as I grew older. I tried to pick up biking as an adult and enjoyed biking around Huntington Beach and Newport Beach, CA but eventually, work got me more and more occupied. If you see me now, you wouldn’t think I was very much into sports as I morphed into this chill type of person. I am not quite sure if it’s a good or a bad thing. Haha!

[2] What genres do you write? Why do you choose to write with these types of structures? What’s attractive about them?

I am no writer but I found myself expressing my feelings better on paper and that’s how I started writing. It usually falls into free verse, sometimes poetry and other times, just sort of word vomit (sorry!) … or a babble.

[3] What’s your all-time favorite childhood TV show?

Oh, I like this question! When I was a child, I remember waiting for Fred Savage on The Wonder Years. We were all disappointed when Kevin and Winnie did not end up together.

[4] Pick one sense and tell us about the most relaxing thing you do in relation to that sense.

That would be sight for me. I love seeing beautiful places and taking photos. Now with the pandemic, I still enjoy seeing pretty things in my everyday life. I take photos of my food when I end up preparing a pretty meal or when my cat sits beside me while I take my morning coffee, I make sure I capture the moment.

[5] Who is someone you want to connect more with this month? How might you go about doing this?

Whatever month this prompt may be, I would love to connect with my mother. She and I have not been on good terms. The pandemic made it difficult for us to be physically together but I hope we get a chance to have a long talk via Facetime or Zoom.

I would also love to get to know more about the writers of TBIN! I am looking forward to reading everyone’s replies! If you want to connect via Instagram too, feel free to send me a private note :)

This or that?

Bold your choice!

  • olive oil or butter — depends on the bread but lately I've been smothering my sourdough bread with butter haha!
  • e-books or physical books — I love the smell of books!
  • libraries or bookstores — I like having my own copy of my favorites.
  • noodles and rice — can it be both? haha!
  • messy desk or organized desk

Articles to share

Top viewed article on Medium:

A poem:

I have yet to publish my favorite poem and I feel I haven't written something I would be proud of but for now, I want to share a poem from Paper Poetry I submitted.

A piece where you bare your heart:

I won't be sharing a piece but I would like to share a publication I started when my pet, Sushi passed away. I am surrounded by people who do not understand pet loss and I was made to feel that whatever it was I was going through was not valid. Pet owners sometimes feel that we don’t have the right to feel intense grief over a loss of a pet … but we do.

A piece that is longer than 3 mins:

This piece is a 7 min read and very close to my heart as well. I am not a religious person but a situation at work taught me how to pray and showed me the power of prayer.

An article from your favorite writer:

This article from Rainbow Bridge was written by Vanessa Gunter. It's one of my favorites because it was poignant yet, beautifully written. I cried the first time I read it.

Once again, thank you Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) for another creative idea to get to know one another and for encouraging us to think, write and engage.



Punch Drunk Cola
The Brain is a Noodle

A Xennial who takes too long making her coffee, turns her laundry pink and can never fold fitted sheets.