My Empty Dining Table

The emptiness overshadows all the light and glitters of my dining space

Writer's Dream
The Brain is a Noodle
1 min readAug 12, 2023


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

I have a fancy two-seater dining table.

I have decorated it the way I wanted.

There is a fairy light above it. There are a few wooden dolls on the table. They greet me with their smiles.

There are a few flower vases with exquisite decorations. There is a small bamboo tree.

There are two candle holders. I thought it would create a dreamy romantic candlelight dinner ambiance.

A small table lamp adores the table. It changes colors with just a single touch.

A series of positive vibes wall hangings bring the adjacent wall to vibrant life.

My tiny dining area is a mini fairyland which I decorated with so much love.

However, I do not eat a single meal in this fairyland. The empty seat beside me kills all my appetite.

The emptiness overshadows all the light and glitters of my dining space.

