#Ongoing Adventure: The Master of Syllables

Part of a Collaborative Fiction Series

Adam Deitsch
The Brain is a Noodle


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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It had been a long day and you were exhausted. Were being the operative word here. “Why would someone send me a random invitation as a haiku,” you ask aloud to an empty room.

You read the poem over and over again to yourself. It doesn’t seem to make any sense to you at all. You pace around the apartment tapping the paper to your head, hoping something will happen.

There’s a loud knock at the door. It startles you for just a moment, until you realize you ordered food.

You pause before approaching the door. Had you really been pacing around for 35 minutes? It didn’t seem like that long at all. After checking the clock and assuring yourself that you weren’t crazy, and maybe just needed to eat, you answer the door and collect your meal.

You set yourself up a nice place on the table — your ramen in front of you, and the mysterious haiku propped up behind it, staring back at you as you eat.

You grab the phone and call your old friend, Avi. He was always into poems and cryptic messages.

Hello, it’s Avi.
Who am I speaking with, please?
And please, speak loudly.



Adam Deitsch
The Brain is a Noodle

Adam is an Atmospheric Science PhD student with a background in Environmental Science. His Medium writing has taken a temporary hiatus while he does research.