Poem: Anonymous

Photo by Kaique Rocha: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-wearing-adidas-hoodie-during-daytime-171945/

You see this breed everyday,
They spend all day on social media,
Obsessively watching your every move,
Dissecting everything about you,
From clothing to lifestyle,
Unfavorably comparing themselves to you,
Criticizing and mocking every mistake you make,
Yet they ignore the good that you do,
How pitiful that some would be that bitter,
They believe that their words have power over your life,
Yet they ignore the world descending into chaos around them,
Or maybe they don’t,
Maybe they just pretend not to care,
And instead project their lofty ideas unto you,
As they are not as brave to live out those filthy fantasies of theirs,
So why not turn you into their experimental guinea pig?
Life is too short honey,
Live for you,
Not for others,
Especially not for the cowards on the social media who hide behind smoke screens.



Damilola Abiola-Tikare
The Brain is a Noodle

Hi there.I am Damilola Abiola-Tikare and I am a Content Writer who is also a Digital Marketing Diva. Watch this space for more marketing content.