Potato Cake


Amy Marley
The Brain is a Noodle
2 min readNov 29, 2020


Egg free potato birthday cake – Photo my own

Perfect plans fall apart
Obstacles added to the cart
Tasting sweetness in a cake
At a time it was impossible to make
To dos that could not be done
Opportunity for impromptu fun

Candles stuck in a spud
A bit of a birthday dud
Kid’s forgive in an instant
Enthusiastically persistent

My youngest, Matilda, had her fourth birthday this week.

She has spent the last few months dreaming of her perfect birthday cake. Requests changed and modified almost daily. Her little face full of excitement as she described her latest cake creation.

My ankle not healed enough to bake on the day, so unfortunately, her dream cake was not possible.

A potato taking the place. Candles lit so we could sing Happy Birthday!

I felt full-blown mummy guilt, but alas, there was nothing I could do about it this year. A shop or bakery made one not possible either. Egg-free cakes to meet allergy safety, not readily available locally…. a market there to be sure!

